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Image by Matt Flores

Clarity & Magik of an Aligned System


Advanced Level Game Play for the Embodied Woman

Many of us who have been doing *the work* for a time have a good idea of what this means & why we desire the clarity of alignment in our lives. We've heard it all; we understand that we are an amplification tool calling in what we are a match for at any moment in time. This in & of itself is a very advanced level concept to HOLD, to fully become in a way that feels directed. 


With the consciousness uplevel we see happening in recent years, many beings are playing their part in waking the collective and helping call each one of us into more alignment of Self. Most of these moments of clarity, downloads, or Golden Nuggets on your path serve to keep you moving forward into more expansion of yourself as an evolutionary sentient being. However, keep in mind what most people are working on is the process of Deconditioning & Realignment. This is much of the work for us all. Through this process, we find deep levels of integration happening for many. However, integration is an initiation that not all will take on their path. (because, let's face it, tapping in feels really good for our Divinity AND our ego).


The reality of this, with the age of the internet, is that we can easily attach to others, thinking they have it all figured out or to validate who we are on this Earth when in actuality, most are just sharing their deconditioning process or a system that worked for their design & unique purpose here on Earth. Relating to others & their journey often helps our human not feel so alone, that we are seen & heard, certain facets of self feel understood, etc. However, it is not really needed for the evolution of Self past a certain point. In fact, hearing so many opinions, choices, nuances, and timelines of the other is most certainly hindering to our personal growth. It often leaves us feeling like we have opened all of the tabs of possibility all at once & yet we are somehow surprised at the glitchiness of our own operating system….. aka SYSTEM OVERLOAD, ctrl + alt + del. And why I personally have not scrolled on social media in well over 2 years.


Now let's break it down to the alignment process & clarity of your path as an embodied woman here on this Earth, which matters deeply but also matters not at all. *forever rule* because I am firmly rooted in what I call Consciousness Wild Card Gameplay...



Your cycle of death and rebirth as a woman is largely used for your step-up (as with any system). To call on the anchoring knowledge of your primal Self, your higher wisdom, your Spiritual Adult as a woman, in a body, here on Earth. Once you get to know yourself (emotional, physical, energetic aspects) through the patterns in your cycle, you open yourself up to vast knowledge of higher worlds that feels anchored in 3d; it feels so safe that you are able to drink in, plugin, and root yourself into the Cosmic Intelligence more fully. You become anointed in the Holy Sacred Waters of Knowingness. Yummm.


When yourself as an embodied woman & a cosmic being is integrated, rooted in a way that feels balanced and secure, You get to play in the Orgasmic Soul Playground for more extended periods of time (which really translates to more fulfillment of the Soul* remember time does not exist here). 



There are many various systems or tools for you to use to understand more of the Self, to assist with the deconditioning process, and see a reflection of you in all forms; I just happen to find a woman's cycle & sacred sexuality to be one of the clearest portals to do so. For it's my & many others opinion that the body never lies.


However, within all this, it is most important to use what I have mentioned above, Consciousness Wild Card Gameplay, in tandem with any system or process. Without it, you are just attaching to the systems, tools, guides, etc. & with this, there is a very alluring pathway to deep levels of distortion (as with anything). 


Insert- ✨ 👁 ✨


   + Using where you are at in your cycle as a portal to self-sabotage, 

   + playing out your emotions on your partner without acknowledgment or a shared awareness, 

   + practices of distorted withholding, 

   + portals to focus on toxic masculinity as a means to project the distorted feminine onto your masculine partner, 

   + using your Spiritual path as a means of separation cloaked in your own righteousness,

   + practices of not take responsibility for your energetic system in whatever form that shows up, 

   + habitual tendencies to push through instead of following your own Divine Timing, 

   + to use other's words as law. 


This will be reflected in your intimate relationships, your business, your parenting, etc. 



Being honest with yourself in where you are at in your process of evolution is an essential part of Wild Card Game Play. However, let me be clear, it is not your Spiritual Adult or your Higher Self that provides this information. It is straight from the Oversoul, which is deeply rooted in the Cosmic Intelligence and based only on what is up for you right now. In this very moment, reflected across your entire hologram. It overrides all concepts of being a woman, a mother, a partner, a daughter, a friend. It is not cycle-dependent, money-dependent, time-dependent, or 3d conditional in any way, shape, or form. 


Consciousness Wild Card Gameplay seemingly comes out of nowhere & has the power to overlay or trump all other plays. It throws down on all other cards, all other combinations; it defies the market fluctuations or any predictive algorithms. 


 It can show up as a symbol, a phrase, a sound. It knows no limits or bounds, it is not based on logic, & does not care what you identify as in this current iteration of you. It does not care if you listen to the rawness of hip hop, the soul of country, the emotions of pop, the spirit of reggae, the holiness of gospel, or if you chant kirtan all day. It cares very little for the erroneous details of the myriad of choices that you make on this planet. It cares only for what is up for you right now, in the present moment of your hologram. And it's all for your personal evolution to serve the collective. 


Guiding women to tap into their Wild Card Gameplay for the Clarity of an Aligned System is a Core Activation of the Divine Feminine Codes and the Embodied Soul Matrix Mentorship. Follow the link to explore these offerings more & evolve your human into advanced-level gameplay. 

xo Wild & Holy


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